Intricately sculpted and detailed to reflect Asuka Langley Soryu’s iconic robot, this new kit captures the unit’s iconic lanky body, long limbs, armored torso with shoulder extensions, and of course its unique four-eyed head. Naturally, the kit’s parts (approximately 300) are pre-colored in the accurate red, black, white, and yellow color scheme, so no painting is required.
You can even recreate your favorite scenes from the series with the Unit-02 TV Version’s multiple points of articulation and tons of interchangeable parts including hand units with different poses, plenty of weapons, and even the giant robot’s tattered cloak. Sculpted by Yuichi Kuwamura and Masaru Endo, Unit-02 stands just under 7.5 inches tall.
Display it by itself, alongside your Asuka Ani*Statue, or with other great Neon Genesis Evangelion products from Kotobukiya!